
Get the estimated price for influencer posts and stories on Instagram

Kolsquare wants to help brands launch successful, target-smashing influencer marketing campaigns on Instagram. To do that, we've made our Instagram rate calculator available to help. Wondering how much a sponsored post or Story on Instagram costs with a particular influencer? Find out using Kolsquare’s free Instagram sponsored post calculator: The KOLculator.

How does the Influencer price calculator work?

Whether you are a brand, agency or influencer, get the estimated value of a sponsored post or story on Instagram. Just enter the influencer’s account pseudo and discover their sponsored content pricing range.

*These prices are estimated based on the selected account’s statistics. It is not by any means the price the influencer usually charges for sponsored content, as there are many other indicators that can impact the price of a collaboration.

Influencer nickname

Rate estimate

Community count
EMV per post
EMV per story
Engagement rate
Instagram Post
Instagram Story

These personalized rates are an estimate based on the statistics of the profile provided. It is therefore important to weigh them with other criteria that can influence the rate up or down.

Discover the “credibility score” of your Instagram audience


What is the price of influencer marketing on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram?

Determining the price of influencer marketing campaigns on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram requires extensive research and careful consideration of various factors. The KOLculator can tell you the average price for sponsoring an Instagram influencer's post, but that isn't the entire campaign, and influencer marketing is complex.

These campaigns have many demands, such as a thorough understanding of each influencer’s follower count, engagement rates, content quality, and even geographical location. Manually sifting through profiles, analysing engagement metrics, and comparing potential influencers can be daunting and time-consuming. significantly raising in-house costs. However, finding the right influencer is essential.

Once potential influencers are identified, the next step is the negotiation of the influencer costs. Effective negotiation requires accurate and comprehensive data about the prospective influencer and the industry. Without insights into an influencer's performance metrics, such as their average engagement rates, follower demographics, and past campaign results, it’s challenging to make informed decisions or negotiate fair rates. Brands need reliable data to ensure they are investing wisely and achieving the best possible return on their marketing spend.

This is where Kolsquare comes in, cutting in-house costs by providing essential metrics. Kolsquare offers a comprehensive platform that provides detailed analytics on influencers across YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. With Kolsquare, you can access in-depth data on follower authenticity, engagement metrics, and audience demographics all in one place. This eliminates the need for manual searching and data collection, saving valuable time and effort.

Kolsquare helps you streamline the entire campaign development, from identifying and evaluating potential influencers to reports. The platform’s analytics tools ensure you have the data needed to make informed decisions, negotiate effectively, and optimise your campaign, removing the operational complexity.

How much do influencers charge per post?

How much they charge depends on the industry, type of content, and desirability. They may even lower their fees during quiet times when there is little interest.

Influencers charge varying amounts per post depending on their follower count, engagement rates, content quality, and location. For sponsored posts, nano-influencers (1,000-10,000 followers) typically charge $10-$100 per post, while micro-influencers (10,000-100,000 followers) ask for $100-$1,000. Macro-influencers (100,000-1 million followers) command $1,000-$10,000 per post, while mega-influencers and celebrities (over 1 million followers) can charge $10,000 or more.

What is the fee structure for influencers?

The fee structure for influencers varies depending on the type of collaboration, whether it is giveaways, affiliate programs, brand ambassadorship, or sponsorship deals.

Giveaways are the cheapest and lowest-risk type of influencer marketing. All brands need to offer is their product and the postage fees. However, sending a free product does not guarantee the influencer will review it or that their content featuring the brand will be positive.

Affiliate marketing is the next step up. For this type of campaign, influencers earn a commission for each sale generated through their unique links. It has the lowest influencer costs and guarantees a positive ROI, as the model is performance-based, meaning the brand only pays the influencer when they directly create a sale. Product sales are tracked through unique links or discount codes. These links are often put in the influencer's or as a call to action in a post on social media platforms.

Commission can range from 5% to 30% of the sale value, depending on the product and agreement. This approach is popular for brands with lower influencer budgets or those launching a large influencer marketing scheme with the goal of dominating the conversation in their industry.

More structured campaigns may require sponsored posts co-created with one or many influencers. This can be a one-off or long-term strategy, and it typically gives the brand more control. Here, the influence and brand can work together to create to content to ensure it fits the brand's image.

The most in-depth campaign can recruit a brand ambassador. Brand ambassadorships are long-term partnerships where influencers consistently promote a brand over an extended period. Ambassadors often receive a mix of flat fees, product compensation, and performance bonuses. These agreements can range from a few hundred to several thousand pounds per month, depending on the influencer’s reach and engagement. Sponsorship deals typically involve one-off or short-term collaborations where influencers are paid to create specific content, such as posts, Stories, or videos. This type of collaboration gives creators the most respect and aligns the brand with their content. This can be incredibly valuable for the brand and even rewrite its narrative.

Many brands choose to combine these strategies or scale up their efforts with influencers who provide a good ROI from the initial campaign.

How much do UK influencers charge?

The KOLculator gives an average estimate of influencers' costs, but let's examine the UK market more closely.  The cost of hiring UK influencers varies due to their follower count, engagement rates, content quality, and other metrics. Essentially, these insights assess how effective an influencer is at achieving a brand's goals. Generally, nano-influencers (1,000-10,000 followers) might charge between £10-£100 per post, while micro-influencers (10,000-100,000 followers) can command £100-£1,00. Mega and celebrity influencers are extremely expensive, often charging upwards of £10,000 per post.

However, audience size is a superficial metric. Companies should instead focus on engagement metrics—likes, comments, and shares—to assess an influencer's impact on their audience. Some would argue that this is the most valuable influencer marketing metric. Put simply, if followers aren't interacting with an influencer's content, they are unlikely to remember the brand or product.

Thanks to the undeniable power of high engagement rates, a micro-influencer with high engagement may encourage more sales than a macro-influencer with 10x the followers. As a result, influencers with a smaller but highly engaged audience may charge higher rates due to their value to brands.

In addition, the quality and style of an influencer’s content, their niche, and the specifics of the campaign also play crucial roles in determining costs. Influencers producing high-quality, visually appealing content often charge higher fees, particularly in visually-driven sectors like fashion and beauty.

While quality content is important, the majority of followers value authenticity. They don't want to feel marketed to, and a creator capable of promoting products with genuine, engaging content is most likely to have a stronger impact.  

In addition, the scope of the campaign, including the number of posts, stories, and cross-platform promotions, can also affect pricing, as do additional factors like exclusivity clauses and usage rights. Rates also vary across social media platforms, with Instagram generally being the most expensive.